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ACE Cardiology Clinic

Dr Ang Teck Kee

M.B.B.S (Singapore), MRCP (UK) M.Med (Singapore)

Dr Ang Teck Kee is a dedicated and established cardiologist with more than 15 years of clinical experience. Fluent in English, Mandarin and various dialects, he has worked with both local and international patients to develop individualised treatment plans for their best possible outcome. 

Dr Ang is a strong believer of using the latest technological advances in Cardiology in his practice. He has sub specialty training in interventional cardiology and has performed more than 3,000 invasive coronary angiography and percutaneous coronary intervention.

Apart from his interest in complex coronary intervention, his other interests include stroke prevention in at risk cardiac patients with abnormal heart rhythms (example: atrial fibrillation). 

Dr Ang’s passion and belief are in education for both doctors and nurses. Despite his move to private practice, he continues to nurture the younger generation of doctors by returning to KTPH weekly as a Visiting Consultant. (Update: Due to COVID restrictions on inter-hospital movement, this has been temporarily put on hold) 

Passionate about the latest advancement in cardiology treatment, Dr Ang is also actively involved in clinical research and was the co-investigator in numerous international and local clinical trials.

Dr Ang’s highly specialised interventional skill sets include, but not limited to:

  • Complex left main coronary artery disease intervention

  • Complex bifurcation coronary artery disease intervention

  • Chronic total occlusion of coronary artery intervention

  • Objective evaluation of diseased coronary artery using specialised physiological assessment tools, thereby preventing unnecessary placement of coronary artery stents

  • Well versed in the use of specialised intra-coronary artery imaging tools like Intra-vascular Ultrasound (IVUS) and Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) which enhances treatment options in diseased coronary arteries as well as optimises coronary stent placement.

  • Use of rotational atherectomy in calcified diseased coronary artery

  • Use of specialised interventional balloons designed specifically for use in calcified diseased coronary artery.


Dr Ang’s Special interest areas

  • Stroke prevention in patients with abnormal heart rhythms (example: atrial fibrillation)

  • Primary prevention (preventive health care)

We are here


Address : 3 Mount Elizabeth, #17-18 Mount Elizabeth Medical Centre Singapore 228510

Contact : 6235 7536 | 66902982
Mobile : +65 9155 2942

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