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TCM Housecall

We provide patient centric Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) Housecall service for individual, couple, stroke patient or bed ridden elderly seeking alternative treatment such as Acupuncture针灸, Chinese Medicine中药, Tuina推拿, Cupping拔罐, Guasha(scrapping)刮痧 and Moxibustion艾灸. Medicine in the form of tablets, raw herbs, brewed herbal drinks can be delivered to your home.
In addition, we also provide guidance to care takers to do DIY Tuina or massage for patient care. In short, we provide convenient and time saving service to relieve your pain @ your home.

Mr Thum Ching Kuan is a Singapore registered TCM physician with more than 7 years of experience in helping patients to relieve their pain, improve the fertility of couples and the quality of life of stroke/bed-ridden patients through a patient centric combination of Acupuncture 针 灸, Tuina 推 拿, Moxibustion 艾 灸, Guasha(scrapping) 刮 痧, Cupping 拔 罐. He graduated with a bachelor degree in TCM from GuangZhou University of TCM, advanced diploma in TCM from Singapore College of TCM. He is also a volunteer physician in Chung Hwa Medical Institution Pain Management Group.


Time / Sessions
Mon-Sat 9am-6pm : S$150
Mon-Sat 6pm-9pm : S$180
Sunday, Public Holiday : S$200


  • Each visit includes consultation and treatment up to 1 hour.

  • Package available upon request.

  • Combination of Acupuncture 针 灸, Tuina 推 拿, Moxibustion 艾 灸, Guasha(scrapping)
    刮 痧, Cupping 拔 罐 are included, depends on need and physician’s judgement.

  • Medicine fee is excluded from quoted price or package. Medicine fee is 8~20 per day,
    depending on the prescription.

  • Medicine can be delivered to home with a delivery charge of SGD10.

  • Herbal medicine can be pre-brewed and packed at the price of SGD 1 per pack.
    Generally 2 packs per day.


Contact :

Mr Thum Ching Kuan +65 8139 7579