Make Your Company Stand Out.

What Your Staff May Be Saying


“Not Sure What Benefits I Am Entitled To”

Company HR representative are finding it harder to understand the contractual obligations of the insurance contracts purchased for employees and how they work.

“My Company Agent Is Not Responsive”

The key role of the company agent is to ensure that when a calamity happens to staff, regardless the time and day, that they can hand hold the staff throughout the whole process.

“Cannot Help Me With My Medical Concern”

As employees spend their time doing their best in the roles that they play in the company you own, they tend to lack the avenues to seek proper medical advise.

“Not Enough Staff Benefits, Nothing New”

Employee Benefits may not be the main reason why your staff continue to work, but they are a source of comparison which may end up being a push factor.


Our Solutions To Make Your Company Stand Out

Compliments from EasyClaims and The Specialist Opinion Pte Ltd


Comprehensive Health Services

Employee health is a good measure of the productivity of your company. We have a wide range of medical check ups that are specially curated by specialists for different age range of your staff and family. Needless to say, we also have complimentary check ups and vaccinations available. Speak with us today.


Medical Talks or other topics

Our wide network of partners on EasyClaims has given us a reputation to be able to arrange and even conduct effective talks with a wide ranging topics that your staff will find riveting. Our focus is always on health issues of course, but we all know that our staff still love the occasional fun staff.


The Specialist Opinion

Exclusive partnership with The Specialist Opinion Pte Ltd provides your staff and family with strong guidance during critical medical decisions making moments and prompt disease management advise by our medical specialists, whose main concern is your staff well-being. No referral fees, no additional charges.

*Normal consultation and treatment costs apply when necessary


Pre Emergency System

Our certified specialists will provide your staff and their family invaluable insights to the current state of their total coverage. This information will be shared effectively with key members of the family as well. The main objective is to ensure that the policies will do exactly what is expected of them and to ensure that all staff adhere to the policy terms and conditions to facilitate the claims. In certain situations it may not be feasible to follow protocol, they will be informed before any emergencies happen so that it would be the staff’s call to make if changes can or should be made.


EasyClaims App

Our EasyClaims app (ECS) proprietary system summarises your staff claims into a 3 step process - preparation, submission and status monitoring, even for multiple medical admissions. This takes away the financial and tracking burden commonly faced by most people, this is so that they can focus on the most important element, getting well and getting productive.


Personalised Journey

Our Claims Specialists (CS) will ensure your staff will never have to miss any claims dateline or claims period nor do they have to digest the different terms and conditions in the policy contracts. They will handhold your staff from day one, so they never have to worry, which company they bought their existing policies from.

 How Can I Benefit From Your Services ?

-Elvin Lim 44, Senior Vice President, Local Bank